
Lasso’s main feature is to create a product overview for your Amazon Associates program. It will automatically update prices on Amazon. There are two unique features of Lasso. You can quickly add new affiliate links to your blog by doing a text search in your content. Second, you get alerts on links that don’t work or are missing. Lasso’s main problem is its price and lack of features. I personally would like to see conversion tracking and additional support for services other than Amazon.

Lasso is a recent entry into the affiliate link management space. Lasso’s most powerful feature, created by my friend Andrew Fiebert , is its integration with the Amazon API.

Lasso is a WordPress plugin that works well with any affiliate program, not just Amazon.

Like AAWP, Lasso allows you to create beautiful summary boxes that display information about your Amazon product (or other affiliate).

Unfortunately, Lasso’s biggest limitation is tracking conversions. For me, this is a major obstacle. But many users aren’t bothered by it. Also, if you use Amazon, conversion tracking is not possible anyway.

Lasso lacks the functionality of comparison tables and automatic listings that AAWP has, but this plugin has some features that you can’t find anywhere else.

Lasso offers the following features:

  • Quickly add new affiliate links – find non-monetized links and keywords and add them without having to manually review each post.
  • Notifications on broken or missing links – replace outdated products with ones that will help you make money.