Analysis of external and internal links

Service for the analysis of external and internal links can be used to check your site and analyze the link mass of competitors. You will get an exact number of internal and external links on the page, mark the presence of nofollow attribute, as well as URL links and their textual environment. The service allows you to analyze the links on the home page and any internal page of the site.

External links to the site: how to place and how to check

External (outbound) links are those links that lead from your site to other resources. We recommend that you monitor the quality of the links placed on your site. A lot of outgoing links to other sites that do not correspond to your topic or have doubtful reputation, can be considered as spam by search robots and will lower your site in search results. If you are not sure of the reliability of the resource to which the link leads, it is better to add to it the rel=”nofollow” attribute.

The best way the search engines perceive external links, placed naturally – that is, live users of the site, and look organic. This can be reviews or comments on the blog. Links to quality resources with high traffic are also valued. If you are in doubt about the quality of external links from your site, use an online link verification tool.
Where should I post external links?

Since the main weight of the site falls on the home page, you should minimize the number of external links on it. Remove or close from the indexing of links to partners, developers, plug-ins and other links that are not directly related to your resource. Service for the analysis of external and internal links will analyze any page of the site, we recommend you start checking the main page.

Internal links: how to place and how to check

Internal links are links that point from one page of the site to another. Placing internal links is also called linking.

Why internal links are needed:

  • increase page authority
  • transmit weight to the desired pages
  • Speed up the indexing of new pages
  • Improve the usability of the site by improving navigation
  • Create site structure

To make sure that the linking is arranged correctly and the anchors correspond to the content of pages to which the links lead, analyze internal links.